
[HSBC、Google、Shopify、FedEx、Second Talent ] HKEBA Cross Border E-Commerce Summit

22/05/2024 4:00pm - 7:00pm

Leverage more than HK$7m funding from the HKSAR Government, master the Cross-border E-commerce Ecosystem, Connect Globally! Inviting leading experts from all walks of life to share insights and painlessly upgrade your cross-border e-commerce!

Hong Kong E-Commerce Business Association (“HKEBA”) is gathering experts from various fields to share the unique advantages of Hong Kong as a cross border e-commerce hub.

Hear our speakers from HSBC, Google, Shopify, FedEx, and Second Talent to discuss the benefits of setting up your cross border e-commerce hub in Hong Kong. Not only will you be able to save on tax and tariffs due to Hong Kong’s tax light environment, you can also leverage more than HK$7m in export marketing subsidies from the HKSAR Government to hire human resources, upgrade your e-commerce store and place advertisements to promote your products overseas.

Event Highlights:
1. Special Presentations: Experts from 5 major fields will share the latest trends and solutions in cross-border e-commerce in Hong Kong.
2. Industry Experts Consultation: Personal consultations from industry experts on how to take advantage of the benefits in Hong Kong for your business.

For more details, please click here.



  • Hong Kong E-Commerce Business Association


  • Google Hong Kong HQ