Brain Gym: UX Design Showcase Night
19/11/2020 7:30pm - 9:00pm

Our UX graduates will present their masterpieces and you are invited to vote and network with experienced UX designers.
UX (User Experience) is one of the most important driving forces for innovation and product design, it allows companies to see through the lens of customers to design the best products.
Xccelerate’s UX Showcase Night is a special night for both fresh UX designers from our part-time course and our audiences. While our graduates will be presenting their masterpieces and walk you through their research findings and design solutions, you will have the chance to witness our graduates’ brilliant work and vote for your favourite project!
We have also invited some guest judges, who are all experienced UX designers to give constructive feedback to our graduates. You will be able to gain valuable insights into the field of UX from our graduates and experienced guest designers. What is more, we have also prepared a networking session for you to exchange ideas with all the experienced designers on this night of insights and innovation!
For more information, please click HERE.