06月 2021
SPACS For Your StartUp: What You Need To Know
Special-Purpose Acquisition Companies or SPACs for short, are corporations that are listed on the Stock Exchange for the express purpose of acquiring a private company in order to help it go public without an IPO. They have been drawing massive attention, with more than $83 billion USD raised in 2020 across 248 SPACs. However, just a few weeks ago, the SEC started cracking down on these blank-check companies, performing informal inquiries and offering guidance, dampening the hype.
06月 2021
Impact Startups: Learn about the opportunity to win up to HK$1.4M grant
Social impact startups are in and of itself, companies looking to make a change. As these companies grow, it is not just about making money, but seeking out opportunities to help them to grow and thrive. During this event, we will be sharing about how social impact startups can get a push through corporate programs.
06月 2021
Get a Taste of Product Management
You've definitely heard of the role *Product Manager* before, but if I asked you to describe what one does to me, what would you say? The role of a product manager is a complicated one that changes and shifts, depending on the product, team, organisation, and PM themselves. At all points of the product development life cycle, a myriad of skills seem equally important and urgent. As new product managers enter the role, it is not easy to understand what to focus on first and how to begin the path towards mastering the skills and craft of product management.
06月 2021
What is Data Science? Learn About Its Career Aspects
The field of Data Science is growing at a breakneck pace with new roles constantly opening up as companies begin to realise the value of understanding their own data. You will learn from Satyajit exactly what Data Science means, and how it can be used in different situations, to maximum effect. You will also learn some use cases and how it can help you grow your business. Most of all, you will learn everything you need to start treading this highly sought after career path.
06月 2021
06月 2021
Technical Interview Bootcamp
echnical interviews are tricky. You get difficult questions that force you to think on the spot. There are some that every hiring manager asks, and then there are those that you really need to prepare yourself for. In this Technical Interview Bootcamp with Daniel Vu, you will learn not only how to answer common questions, but strategies to approach any challenge you receive with structure, logic, and purpose.
06月 2021
Cybersecurity: Secure Your Future
Cyber Security is the hottest buzzword in the 20th century since the appearance of cyber attacks. Without cybersecurity is like leaving your house key in the lock for anyone to walk in and take your valuables. What is Cyber Security? How can you protect your information and privacy? This Jam session will give you an overall picture of Cyber Security.
06月 2021
StashAway: Financial Planning 101
The StashAway Financial Wellness Program is designed to support your employees with the financial acumen necessary to make empowering short-term and long-term financial decisions. Created on the premise that financially confident individuals are more productive employees and citizens, our in-person seminars and workshops educate and equip your employees with effective budgeting, saving, and investment strategies so that they can efficiently maximise their personal finances.
06月 2021
Building a Tech Business without Code
We all have great ideas, but how can we execute them and turn them into a tech business or a product? Some people learn how to code in order to create a tech product. This path may work for some, but it might take you months to launch a product and years to keep modifying the product until you are satisfied with it. What about those who does not know how to code? What if I told you that you could create a tech business and products without code at all? Yes, it is possible.
06月 2021
Exploration of Data (EDA) & Insight Gathering
The field of Data Science is growing at a breakneck pace with new roles constantly opening up as companies begin to realize the value of understanding their own data. You will learn from Satyajit exactly what Data Exploration means, and how to get Insights out of it. Exploration of Data is one of the most integral part of the Data Science & Analytics domain.