06月 2020
Data Science & Machine Learning Trial Class | Xccelerate

想成為data scientist,但不知到如何點踏出第一步? 公司想用Machine Learning提升業務?想裝備自己迎接大數據時代? 快來了解一下Data Science & Machine Learning 吧! 大數據是全球趨勢,無論在什麼行業,學習如何分析與利用數據都非常重要。今次的trial class中,我們有經驗的導師將會教你如何用一系列的Python libraries,根據Machine Learning的理論,用Jupyter Notebook進行數據分析。 假如你對數據科學(data science)這個新興行業感興趣,或者想用新科技助長你的工作效率,增長業務,這個trial class能夠幫助你。 很吸引吧?名額有限, 立即報名吧!! 參與對象: 顧問/諮詢師 初創公司創辦人 對Data Scientist這行業有興趣的人 希望善用數據的人 有意用Data Science提升工作質素的人 試堂內容: 1.5小時講師指導 Introduction to Data Science 即場示範用 Python 進行數據科學(Data Science) 如何成為數據科學家 (data…
06月 2020
07月 2020
Effective Presentation Skills for Engineers

Introduction In addition to possessing professional knowledge, being an eloquent and presentable speaker with confidence is also essential as a successful engineer today. Join this programme to learn some practical tips for building your presentation skills from an experienced *TED speaker…
10月 2020
10月 2020
Brain Gym Series: Introduction to Software Engineering: Web Development

The lightning-fast development in information and technology has spurred the need for Informational Technology talent around the world, especially as more companies are transitioning over to technology platforms. In other words, garnering an understanding of software engineering is becoming an…
11月 2020
11月 2020
HKDI inspire* Design Thinking for Well-being 2020

Understanding the role and value of design for human well-being is crucial for us to adapt to unpredictable changes of the times; not only to remain relevant but also to contribute to a better society. The programme will explore the significance of people-centric thinking as the key to unlock future horizons, and ways to break the boundaries among products, services, systems and processes, converging into integrated solutions.
11月 2020
11月 2020