
5th Hong Kong Digital Entertainment Industry Fresh Graduate Support Scheme is now open for applications!

As one of the core sectors of Hong Kong’s vibrant creative industries, the digital entertainment (DE) industry has been changing rapidly in the past few years. DE companies are becoming more and more technology-driven. The prevalence of social media and…

2022香港資訊及通訊科技獎: 「資訊科技初創企業獎」現正接受報名

由香港政府資訊科技總監辦公室統籌,香港無線科技商會(WTIA)主辦的。「2022資訊科技初創企業獎」今天起正式接受報名。2022資訊科技初創企業獎作為本地初創的主要表演舞台,致力發掘香港具備潛質的優秀初創企業,以實質行動支持並在軟件﹑硬件及社會貢獻各方面都表現出色的本地初創,向它們頒發別具認受性的獎項給予肯定。 報名方法:透過大會官方網站 https://www.ictstartup.org/ 填寫網上報名表格,並於2022年6月27日(星期一)下午5時正前於網上遞交。 如有問題查詢,請聯絡秘書處 2989 9164 或電郵 ictstartup@hkwtia.org ———————– 關於「香港資訊及通訊科技獎」 香港資訊及通訊科技獎旨在表揚及推廣優秀的資訊及 通訊科技發明和應用,以鼓勵香港業界精英和企業不斷追求創新和卓越,謀求更佳和更具創意的方案,滿 足企業的營運需要,造福社會。2022香港資訊及通訊科技獎設有八個類別的獎項。 每個類別均設有一個大獎,而最終評審委員會會再從 八個大獎中甄選出「全年大獎」。


中大商學院制定了一套評估指標,現正招募100間企業和200間中小企業參與企業創新指數(CII)排名。中大商學院將在2022年第二季的頒獎典禮,公佈排名最高的企業名單,並頒發證書,以表揚他們努力以創新項目貢獻香港的經濟。 欲知更多信息及報名,請點擊這裏。
Tech Leader

Technology Leaders of Tomorrow (TLT) Programme is now open for applications!

As HKSTP InnoAcademy’s signature programme, the Technology Leaders of Tomorrow (TLT) Programme is tailor-made for bright young minds starting out on an Innovation & Technology (I&T) career who aspire to become future I&T leaders in Hong Kong. Application deadline: 24…
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Microsoft takes Startups in Asia from Idea to Unicorn with new Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub Platform

Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub is a new digital and truly inclusive platform for Founders in Asia. The platform offers over US$300,000 worth of benefits and credits, giving startups free access to the technology, tools, and resources they need to…
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The Greater Bay Area STEM Excellence Award EdTech Companies 2022 (HKSAR) is now open for applications!

The event aims to build and provide a sustainable platform for local companies to develop and showcase their EdTech solutions which can facilitate the increase the engaging, sharing, exploring and assessing of teaching and learning experiences inside or beyond classrooms…