Societe Generale has launched the first incubator programme dedicated to market solutions in Asia Pacific. Selected applicants will be entitled to a 6-month incubation period, gaining access to dedicated resources from Societe Generale to define and develop their proposed solutions.
Category: 最新消息 (page 21)
師友計劃 2021
粒子創投加速器 房地產科技初創與企業共贏計劃2020
粒子創投加速器 (Particlex) 正在推出一項新的舉措 — 房地產科技初創與企業共贏計劃2020,與領先的房地產開發商華懋集團合作,並有香港科技園的支持,以創造靈活和創新的解決方案應對上述挑戰。
Block adVenture Helps Startups Validate Business and Product Market Fit Faster
To deepen the understanding of blockchain & its platforms, the Block AdVenture programme by us, R3, & FORMS HK helps start-ups & companies validate their ideas & accelerate their product-market fit through events, workshops, mentorship, & access to prospects/investors. Our partners will share their knowledge & offer coaching to develop POCs.
香港科技園公司正式啟動「創科學院」 持續栽培人才及未來領袖 推動香港創科界邁向成功
Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) today announced the launch of “HKSTP InnoAcademy”, which is dedicated to the continuous nurturing of young technology talent to inspire and drive success in Hong Kong’s innovation and technology (I&T) industry.
HKPC Sourcing Fair 2020
因早前受颱風影響,「生產力局Sourcing Fair 2020」將延期至2020年11月10日(星期二)舉行,網絡研討會日程維持不變。已報名參加的人士亦不需重新登記。
建立智能生產線 由工業物聯網開始
HKPC 2020 Winter Internship
Wish to start exploring your dream with HKPC? Do come and join our winter internship 2020. The internship will run for 4-6 weeks, providing the young generation a good opportunity of experiencing work and learning/ development in a technological and…
香港電腦保安事故協調中心(HKCERT)和香港生產力促進局(生產力局)將合辦首屆 【香港網絡保安新生代奪旗挑戰賽2020】,旨在提升大專及中學生對網絡保安的興趣,並鼓勵學生通過團隊合作, 創意思維及網絡保安技巧來解決問題。立即報名參加,和其他參賽隊伍一決高下!
Start.up! Germany Tour 2020
If you are the Startup of insurtech, smart city, logistics & mobility, and looking for a chance to get to know the German market? Curious about the German Startup ecosystem? Want to gain an insight into North Rhine-Westphalia? Can’t wait…