
ParticleX PropTech Global Challenge 2021 – 3rd Batch Application

Accelerating the “New Normal” in the property and real estate industry Around the world, COVID-19 has affected millions of lives, and is having a growing impact on the global economy. Organisations everywhere are facing an unpredictable and uncertain future. We…

粒子創投加速器 房地產科技初創與企業共贏計劃2020

粒子創投加速器 (Particlex) 正在推出一項新的舉措 — 房地產科技初創與企業共贏計劃2020,與領先的房地產開發商華懋集團合作,並有香港科技園的支持,以創造靈活和創新的解決方案應對上述挑戰。

香港科技園公司正式啟動「創科學院」 持續栽培人才及未來領袖 推動香港創科界邁向成功

Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) today announced the launch of “HKSTP InnoAcademy”, which is dedicated to the continuous nurturing of young technology talent to inspire and drive success in Hong Kong’s innovation and technology (I&T) industry.

Special News

In view of the local epidemic situation, save for those involved in the provision of emergency services and essential public services, all other government employees shall “work from home” until 23 August 2020, in order to achieve more rigorous social distancing to stop COVID-19 from further spreading in the community.

Special News

In view of the severity of the local epidemic situation, the Chief Executive announced today (19 July 2020) that, save for those involved in the provision of emergency services and essential public services, all other government employees should “work from home” from 20 July until 26 July 2020, in order to achieve more rigorous social distancing to stop COVID-19 from further spreading in the community.