
Professional Services Advancement Support Scheme (PASS)

Professional Services Advancement Support Scheme (PASS)

Following the announcement in the 2016 Policy Address and funding approval from the Legislative Council in July 2016, the HK$200 million Professional Services Advancement Support Scheme (“PASS”) is set up to support Hong Kong’s professional services sector to carry out worthwhile projects to spearhead pro-active outreaching promotion efforts and to improve service offerings.

As announced in the 2020 Policy Address, a funding of $50 million will be set aside under PASS to subsidise major professional bodies to participate in relevant exchanges, promotion and professional standard enhancement activities organised by the Government, Hong Kong Trade Development Council and overseas Economic and Trade Offices. The Professionals Participation Subsidy Programme has been set up for this purpose.

As regards the National 14th Five-Year Plan’s reference to supporting Hong Kong to foster co-operation and exchanges with countries and regions around the world, we welcome professional and other eligible bodies to apply for PASS funding for projects aimed at increasing exchanges and co-operation of Hong Kong’s professional services with their counterparts in external markets (including the Mainland and overseas).

Discover More About Professional Services Advancement Support Scheme (PASS)