
UK Tech Founders Showcase Event

15/11/2023 6:00pm - 9:00pm

In partnership with The Hong Kong British Chambers of Commerce and hosted by the Eaton Club, join Tech Founders from the United Kingdom who will showcase their Tech innovation and services with invited VIP guests, Trade Mission partners, Investors and local Tech Founders as part of the StartmeupHK, followed by a drinks receptions. Further details to be announced.

For more information, please visit HERE.


  • 开始日期 15/11/2023 6:00pm

  • 结束日期 15/11/2023 9:00pm

  • 活动类型 线下活动


  • Tech West England Advocates Ltd


  • Eaton Club Central, 5/F, Champion Tower, 3 Garden Rd, Central, Hong Kong