22/04/2021 3:30pm - 4:30pm

With the rapid development and adoption of technologies, our lifestyles and habits have been constantly evolving over time. In this STAR Workshop, industry experts and award-winning graduate will share their unique experiences, advice and vision for Hong Kong’s technological revolution.
Topic: Technology and Our City
Date: 22 April 2021 (Thursday)
Time: 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Format: Live webinar (Zoom Webinar URL will be sent to the registrants before the event day)
Language: Cantonese
Ms. Kiki Wang, Director, Incubation and Acceleration Programmes, HKSTP
Dialogues with Star Speakers
Dr. Dorothy Chau, Director of Hong Kong, Macao & Cross-border Financial Affairs, Tencent
Mr. Fred Sheu, National Technology Officer, Microsoft Hong Kong
Sharing by Young Innovator
Mr. Josua Chan Wing Hei, Representative of Champion Team in Hong Kong Techathon 2021
For more information, please visit here.