Info Session – SPRINTER 2 Accelerator
04/03/2021 2:00pm

Manufacturing excellence is a dedication to excel at all times. This is where SPRINTER 2 Accelerator comes in to help small-to-midsized manufacturing companies meet their growing demand for intelligent & precise production, an initiative launched together with HSBC.
What solutions are the manufacturers looking for?
• AI-powered QA/QC, predictive maintenance and order placement
• Flexible practice for small batch production
• Real-time production data and process monitoring
• Easy onboard digitization for inventory, process, and supply chain management
• Other solutions for upstream or downstream of the supply chain (e.g. AI product design, data analytic for sales and marketing, etc.)
To learn more, sign up for the Info Session on Mar 4 (Thur) 14:00 in Cantonese at: