FoundersHK meets Angela Tang, CMO of Indeed Flex: How to Attract, Hire and Onboard the Best Hires
11/05/2023 9:00am - 10:00am
FoundersHK is hosting a Zoom discussion with Angela Tang, CMO of Indeed Flex and Edith Yeung, General Partner of Race Capital and FoundersHK.
In today’s competitive job market, attracting, hiring, and onboarding the best talent is critical to the success of any organization. However, the process can be challenging, requiring careful planning and execution to identify, recruit, and retain top performers.
Come join us and learn:
Best practices for building a winning team, including attracting, hiring, and onboarding top talent.
Angela’s insights on successful recruitment process terms of:
Employer branding, sourcing, and selection
Factors that influence candidate decision-making
Strategies and best practices for onboarding and employee engagement
Discuss a clear roadmap and actionable steps to take towards building a winning team and driving the success of their organization
And more!
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