创新园 ( Innovator Farm ) 是一个孵化青年创新意念,成就梦想的平台,希望与青年人共同创建社创生态圈,孕育无限可能。 创新园更会提供共享工作空间作聚脚点,让不同的年轻社创家一起学习与成长。 重新发现社区和不同群体,学习社创知识装备自己,在经历中获得启发,向志同道合的人展示所构思的点子…
分类: 新闻 (page 5)
Azalvo Project powered by Jumpstart accelerator (cohort 3) is now open for applications!
The azalvo project powered by Jumpstart is defining the future of lifestyle tech through its new-age value chain and collaborative co-creation communi…
IDEATION计划旨在帮助企业落实创新想法,成功创业。本计划为期一年以內,重点培育科技型企业家,提供全方位的创业支援。 通过本计划,您将深度学习并获得所有创业必须的技能,启动您的业务。香港科技园全面打造为您量体裁衣的商业模式,助您抓住投资机会,一步一脚印,悉心改良您的科研方案,加速技术发展,带领您…
香港社会企业挑战赛 2022-23 现正接受报名!
全球暖化、社会共融、贫富悬殊等围绕着我们的社会议题,到底可以如何解决?其实以上议题都包含在联合国提倡的可持续发展目标(SGDs)中,这17个全球目标更与我们的生活息息相关!如果你希望透过创立社企,以行动把SDGs「落地」解决社会问题,请立即报名参加HKSEC 2022-23! 截止报名日期 : 20…
ConTech Accelerator – Powered by CIC x HKSTP is now open for applications!
ConTech Accelerator is jointly launched by the Construction Industry Council (CIC) and the Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP…
配合『起步为香港』计划的推行,香港青年协会(青协)推出 「献计有方2022」,鼓励18至35岁青年为社会把脉,运用创意和创新方法,协助解决社会难题并提出可行的实践方案,创造社会价值与影响力,建构美好前景,为香港经济建设作出建树。青年运用创意和创新方法,提出可行的实践方案以解决社会难题,创造社会价值!…
Last-mile Testing Programme Cohort 2 is now open for applications!
The cohort 2 of Last-mile Testing Programme (LMTP) under The Community Lab initiative jointly led by Hysan and HKSTP is now open for recruitment! Feat…
Hang Seng x PolyU Sustainable Future Challenge 2022: Textile and Fashion is now open for applications!
Sustainable Future Challenge is an entrepreneurship competition for tertiary students, researchers, industrialists, and all like-minded innovators in …
Calling for Application of INSPECTHK X HKSTP IDEATION PROGRAM (Sep 2022 intake)
In collaboration with HKSTP, InspectHK is a 6-month ideation program designed to help early-stage startups validate business ideas and prove product-m…
Huawei ICT Competition 2022-2023 Asia Pacific – Hong Kong SAR is now open for applications!
Huawei ICT Competition is a competitive ICT talent exchange event developed by Huawei for global college students. To promote the healthy development …