


Startups and FinTechs in Asia Pacific called to apply and join Societe Generale’s Global Markets Incubator

Societe Generale has launched the first incubator programme dedicated to market solutions in Asia Pacific. Selected applicants will be entitled to a 6-month incubation period, gaining access to dedicated resources from Societe Generale to define and develop their proposed solutions.

Block adVenture Helps Startups Validate Business and Product Market Fit Faster

To deepen the understanding of blockchain & its platforms, the Block AdVenture programme by us, R3, & FORMS HK helps start-ups & companies validate their ideas & accelerate their product-market fit through events, workshops, mentorship, & access to prospects/investors. Our partners will share their knowledge & offer coaching to develop POCs.


香港电脑保安事故协调中心(HKCERT)和香港生产力促进局(生产力局)将合办首届 【香港网路保安新生代夺旗挑战赛2020】,旨在提升大专及中学生对网路保安的兴趣,并鼓励学生通过团队合作, 创意思维及网路保安技巧来解决问题。立即报名参加,和其他参赛队伍一决高下!