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19 September, 2022   |   Source: 36KR


19 September, 2022   |   Source: HKEJ StartUpBeat

2022年度StartmeupHK創業節圓滿結束 全球初創蓄勢抓緊元宇宙、第三代互聯網及可持續創新無限機遇

10 June, 2021   |   Source: 36KR


9 June, 2021   |   Source: Yahoo Finance

The sixth edition of StartmeupHK Festival puts sustainability and collaboration at the forefront for startups

1 June, 2021   |   Source: Sina Finance 新浪財經

騰訊金融科技洪丹毅: 香港對金融科技的創新和擁抱在加速

28 May, 2021   |   Source: CoinMarketCap

Vitalik Doubles Down on Proof-of-Stake: It Could Solve Bitcoin’s Problems

27 May, 2021   |   Source: China Daily

Hong Kong offers much to growth-driven companies

26 May, 2021   |   Source: 中国网

香港財政司司長:加強與大灣區城市科創合作 推動科研資源流動

25 May, 2021   |   Source: MSN Hong Kong

政府投放1100億元完善創科生態環境 陳茂波:漸見成效