The second round of HK$137.5 billion of Anti-epidemic Fund measures are announced on April 8, 2020, to further support businesses and residents affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. For details, please click here.
Resource Category: Government Funding Scheme & Support (page 5)
Pilot Information Technology Development Matching Fund Scheme for Travel Agents (Pilot Scheme)
The fund aims to promote the adoption of information technology among SME-sized travel agents for upgrading their productivity and service quality, as well as strengthening their competitiveness in the local or overseas markets.
Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund (TSF)
The Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund (TSF) provides financial support to non-profit-distributing organisations to implement projects which aim at enhancing the competitiveness of non-listed Hong Kong enterprises in general or in specific sectors.
Hong Kong R&D Centres
The Hong Kong R&D Centre Programme is the core initiative driven by the Innovation and Technology Commission of HKSAR Government with the aim to harness Hong Kong’s advantages in applied research, intellectual property protection, business-friendly environment and proximity to the manufacturing based in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region, to thrive as a regional technology service hub.
Trade and Industry Department (TID) of the HKSAR Government
Based on Hong Kong’s free trade policy and our strengths as an open economy, TID works to facilitate and support the development of trade and industry in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC)
The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) is a statutory body established in 1966 to promote, assist and develop Hong Kong’s trade.
Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC)
Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) is a multi-disciplinary organisation established by statute in 1967, to promote productivity excellence through integrated advanced technologies and innovative service offerings to support Hong Kong enterprises.
Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP)
We empower the innovation and technology ecosystem in Hong Kong through a host of strategic initiatives.
Hong Kong Design Centre
As the HKSAR’s strategic partner in promoting design, HKDC is a publicly-funded design promotion agency tasked to run and grow Hong Kong’s flagship programmes – Business of Design Week, Knowledge of Design Week, Fashion Asia Hong Kong, Design Incubation Programme & Fashion Incubation Programme, DFA Awards, and fostering creative and design thinking.
Cyberport is an innovative digital community with about 1,650 technology companies. It is managed by Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited, which is wholly owned by the Hong Kong SAR Government.