T-box Workshop on “Introduction of Government Funding Scheme – ReTAAS” (Webinar)
12/10/2020 3:00pm - 4:00pm

As the novel coronavirus outbreak impacts every aspect of people’s lives, normal business activities of enterprises have been unprecedentedly impacted. To further support the local retail industry, there are adjustments in enhancement measures under the ReTAAS Assistance Scheme from 1 April 2020 onwards. In view of this, representative from ReTAAS Implementer is invited to share the latest enhancement measures for Retail Technology Adoption Assistance Scheme for Manpower Demand Management (ReTAAS) to help the retail enterprises to adopt technologies for manpower demand management and to enhance productivity during the pandemic period.
Ms. Ferren Mung
Manager, ReTAAS Secretariat
For more information, please click HERE.