IWD Mixer: Accelerating Female Leadership in Startups and Social innovation
31/03/2022 12:30pm - 1:30pm

It has never been a better time to launch your ideas… or is it? The number of tools, networks, information online, and infrastructure are numerous, and, much of it, freely available. Yet the number of women creating new ventures are still vastly outnumbered by men, even in a developed market, like Hong Kong.
Common factors that stand out range from self-confidence, risk-appetite to a perceived lack of support and role models, both in the startup and social innovation space. Ultimately, it is never just one element, but multiple headwinds that challenge us.
AmCham, Dream Impact and Anima Venture are bringing together guest speakers to share their hard-earned experiences moving from years of corporate culture to the fast-paced world of startups. Each guest speaker will share their experience with you at a roundtable and you will also get to interact with the speakers and other guests in a close virtual setting ( i.e no breakout rooms!).
For more information and to register, please visit HERE.