Intellectual Property Department: IP Training Programme “IP 104 AUTM Startup Course: Startups & Spinouts – A Business Development Perspective”
17/11/2022 9:30am - 11:30am

Startups are vehicles through which university innovations can make a societal and economic impact. The path startups take towards commercialization can vary significantly depending on the technology being commercialized, the roles faculty take in the startup, and the marketplace in which the startup will compete. Decisions made before, during and after the formation of a startup can dramatically impact the potential for success – or failure. Experts from US will guide the audience on how to optimize a startup’s odds for success. Join us for content-rich topics and collaborative discussions to learn how you can effect change and support startups at your institution.
Course Details
Date: 10, 11, 17 & 18 Nov 2022
Time: 09:30-11:30
Format: Webinar
Language: English
Fee: Free of charge
Note: The course is jointly organised by the Intellectual Property Department, the Knowledge Transfer Office of City University of Hong Kong and the Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the organisers reserve the final rights to accept any registration and participation.
For more information, please visit HERE.
To register, please visit HERE (Please select “Intellectual Property Department” as the organisation inviting you to the course in the web form).