Angel Investor Pitch Programme
03/05/2021 - 27/05/2021

How to run your company successfully and get funded!
In addition to innovative ideas, an entrepreneur needs to have excellent presentation skill to attract investors and grow the business.
Cyberport Academy is going to launch the “Angel Investor Pitch Programme” in May. Speakers from Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology are invited to talk about key factors that an entrepreneur needs to build a successful start-up, how to deliver an effective investor presentation, plan to fine tune, commercialize and seek for investor funding for the MVPs to the markets.
Date and Time:
[Online Seminars] – 3, 4, 5 & 6 May 2021 | 10am – 12:30pm
[One-one Mentoring] – 10 -20 May 2021 | Schedule will be released soon
[Final Pitch Session] – 27 May 2021 | 10am – 12:30pm
Format: Online
Deadline: 15/4/2021
Register NOW: