(廣東話) 港創人FoundersHK: 創業者必學 LinkedIn 101 for Startups Founders
11/06/2020 9:00am - 10:00am

Are you presenting your company or yourself properly on LinkedIn? Learn LinkedIn 101 for Startups Founders. Join us!
LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network with 690+ million users, 30 million companies in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide.
Are you leveraging LinkedIn correctly for business development? Are you presenting your company or yourself properly on LinkedIn?
In this insider conversation, you will learn
- How to make your personal LinkedIn profile stand out?
- How to make your company LinkedIn profile stand out?
- What are some of the best way to “network” on LinkedIn techniques
- Hiring best practice on LinkedIn
- Business development best practice on LinkedIn
- Dos and Don’ts on LinkedIn
- 如何使您的個人檔案脫穎而出?
- 如何使您公司的檔案脫穎而出?
- 建立關係網的最佳方法
- 利用平台作招聘的技巧
- 利用平台發展業務的技巧
- 在平台要注意之事項
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