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Jan 2021
3:00pm - 3:45pm
Physical Event: Online

【出路Truths and Dare網上工作坊】

繼第一場以青年就業為主題嘅政策專題會議,我哋繼續關注青年嘅出路。YDC嚟緊有一系列活動幫到你﹗我哋將會喺1月7日舉行兩場《出路Truths and Dare》 網上工作坊 ,邀請業界嘉賓分別就青年人嘅「多元出路」及「大灣區發展機遇」兩個主題分享更多出路資訊及意見。工作坊將需要預先登記報名,除咗青年朋友外,我哋亦歡迎從事青年工作嘅朋友參與!有興趣嘅你,快啲報名啦! 欲知更多信息,請點擊這裏。
Feb 2021
7:30pm - 9:00pm
Physical Event: Online

[Workshop] 盤數「理」點睇

近年多左好多人自己做老闆, 想做生意或者自僱既你,一開始有冇一啲要注意既? 又或者做緊生意既你﹐對於自己生意盤數又掌唔掌握? 原來點管理自己盤數,點計賺蝕都係一大學問… 如果想知道多啲管理財務既技巧,快啲嚟參加呢個workshop喇!
Mar 2021
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Physical Event: Online

Executive Masterclass: Innovation, Execution & Sustainability

When building a strategic plan for your business, many of you might only see it as a set of decisions that assist the whole company in achieving specific business objectives. However, in the long term, have you ever thought about how to assess and increase your company’s contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ?
Jun 2021
7:30pm - 8:30pm
Physical Event: Online

【工作坊】稅務「理」點計 (加場)

創業既你、做緊老闆既你、自己揾食既你,都會遇到稅務上既問題 究竟需要交咩稅? 原來業務上有一些開支可以扣稅? 係咪未收到報稅表就代表唔使交稅? 報稅時需要準備咩文件? 如果你都遇過以上有關稅務上既問題,就快啲嚟參加呢個workshop喇!
Jun 2021
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Physical Event: Online


課堂內容: + 如何零成本創業 + 市場調查分析技巧 + 實例個案分析
Jul 2021
9:00am - 10:00am
Physical Event: Online

Startup Investing 101 for Angels with Edith Yeung

To cultivate a healthy and vibrant Hong Kong startups community, we not only need kick-ass founders, we also need investors who get what startups are all about. Home to 96 billionaires, Hong Kong has no shortage of funding. Unfortunately, most of the investors come from traditional industries and often investing in startups the wrong way.
Jul 2021
8:00pm - 9:00pm
Physical Event: Online

Building a Minimal Mobile App Without Code: Hands-on Workshop Vol. 1

Building a mobile app was a challenge especially without any technical knowledge or insight as to how app infrastructure works. It's never easy to find a tech co-founder and you're nowhere close to learning to code and making an app. App development agencies will charge a fortune, and there's no guarantee that the app will be successful. Have you heard of #nocode? Yes, you can now make a mobile app without even writing a line of code.
Jul 2021
7:30pm - 9:00pm
Physical Event: Online

Experience Product Management: Dive into Day 90 of being a PM

You've definitely heard of the role "Product Manager" before, but if I asked you to describe what one does to me, what would you say? The role of a product manager is a complicated one that changes and shifts, depending on the product, team, organisation, and PM themselves. At all points of the product development life cycle, a myriad of skills seem equally important and urgent. As new product managers enter the role, it is not easy to understand what to focus on first and how to begin the path towards mastering the skills and craft of product management.
Sep 2021
2:00pm - 3:30pm
Physical Event: North Point Ferry Pier

MakerBay x Ocean Imagineer Workshop [11 Sep]

Join the workshops organized by MakerBay and Ocean Imagineer to have fun building boats using clean energy and learn more about oysters.
Sep 2021
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Physical Event: Online

“To B or not to B Corps – A New Mode of Business” Online Workshop

The Mills Fabrica is honored to host “To B or not to B Corps – A New Mode of Business” online workshop, in collaboration with B Lab (HK & Macau) and B Purpose Bureau, to provide information, assistance and networking opportunities to push forward the global B Corp Movement.