Jun 2020
「疫」流而上創業101系列 – 網上營商新方向+ 如何利用政府400萬的資助發展中小企

During this economic downtown, R ONE Space is going to hold an event series and help you to walk through the difficulties. The 1st event will teach you 1) how to apply and make use of the 4 million government…
Jun 2020
Online: Branding Masterclass with Anisa Johnny

Branding and marketing are used interchangeably, so it’s no wonder most businesses struggle to get their message across. Learn from branding expert Anisa Johnny, a senior lecturer in Fashion Marketing & Management at Raffles College with over 15 years of…
Jun 2020
Bite Sized Linkedin: How to Source Powerful Recommendations (11 June 2020)

Note: This event will be an interactive online livestream via zoom! RSVP and you will be sent the stream information on the day of the event Testimonials, or ‘recommendations’ as Linkedin likes to call them are ‘social proof’ that you…
Jun 2020
Future of Work in Fintech

FintechHK Webinar – Future of Work in Fintech Fintech is driving disruption in traditional financial institutions, changing the way we do business and heightening customer expectations. Organisations need to operate differently to succeed in this constantly evolving business environment. Talent…
Jun 2020
HK Fintech Meets Toronto: Fundraising Opportunities in Asia

FintechHK Webinar: Fundraising opportunities and new trends in a post-Covid-19 World for Canadian Fintechs looking to enter Asia Time/Date (Toronto) 3pm, June 11th, 2020 3pm – 3:05pm Welcome remarks by Jennifer Reynolds, President & CEO of Toronto Finance International (TFI)…
Jun 2020
InvestHK: Setting up in Hong Kong – Insights and Experiences

Sharing of business insights and practical experiences in growing their business in Hong Kong and across Asia by UK entrepreneurs. Invest Hong Kong (InvestHK) and UK Department for International Trade (UKDIT) invite you to a free webinar discussing the business…
Jun 2020
[Webinar Series] Recruitment Trends & Strategies in Post-COVID-19 World

Date: 2020-06-16 and 2020-06-18 Time: Please refer to programme details in the brochure Fee: Free Abstract The COVID-19 crisis has created a massive impact on the global economy and labour market. Businesses around the world, including SMEs and large corporations,…
Jun 2020
[Free Webinar] 生產力局 x OTG:無人機技術及行業應用創新

性質與目標 無人機技術日趨成熟,普羅大眾隨手就能購買到一部無人機作為旅遊記錄儀。除了民用無人機外,你知道現在各行各業也開始使用它們嗎?無論在建築、農業、統計、勘察等等也在應用這革新的技術作為新工具去完成一些不可能的任務!今次生產力局邀請DJI 合作夥伴OTG來分享無人機應用例子及相關應用方案,令香港中小企能早日應用無人機。誠邀你立即線上報名,名額有限! 上課日期及時間 2020年6月17日(星期三) 15:00-16:00 地點 線上 課程內容 生產力局的智慧產業概念及無人機研發工作 無人機行業應用及功能 DJI合作夥伴OTG 專家分享 生產力局課程及考察團 生產力局如何協助中小企 問答環節 費用 免費 授課語言 英文內容 廣東話授課 講者 黃健鵬先生 香港生產力促進局智能製造及內地業務助理顧問 長期從事無人機應用及研發工作 鄺顥楊先生 OTG OnTheGo Limited 創動樂有限公司 DJI Enterprise 香港代理項目經理 持有國際無人機牌照CASA Certified Remote Pilot (RePL) 從事行業無人機應用,包括: 測繪、樓宇檢測、電力巡檢、安防等等。…
Jun 2020
Smart-Space Startup Exchange: Robotics Process Automation (RPA) 101: Building Your First Bot

Date: 18 Jun 2020 (Thur) Time: 4:00pm – 5:30pm Format: Zoom Meeting Language: English Topics: – Overview: What exactly is Intelligent automation (IA)/RPA? – The IA/RPA market: players, solutions, trends – #AutomateOrBeAutomated: getting started in your own IA/RPA journey –…
Jun 2020
[Webinar] 5G 技術系列:5G時代改寫工廠未來

性質與目標 5G技術近年成為工業界炙手可熱的課題,由於5G技術擁有傳輸速度快、低延遲的優點,發展潛力龐大,適用於遠端操控、機械人調度、自動化控制等工業領域,因此5G已成為新一代智能工廠的必備技術。今次網絡研討會的主題包括傳統工廠生產流程介紹,工業4.0技術及流程優化, 5G技術應用等。現場除了專家講解,還會解答技術開發和轉移的細節,請立即報名登記參加。 上課日期及時間 2020年6月18日 (星期四) 15:00 – 17:00 地點 網上 課程內容 5G技術概述 5G和Wifi 6 5G全球趨勢及未來 5G行業應用及影響 工業4.0概述 工業4.0工廠個案分析 HKPC 技術開發 費用 驚喜優惠HKD 295 (5月19日或之前) 早鳥優惠HKD 345 (5月31日或之前) 正價HKD 400 授課語言 廣東話授課 講者 劉君賢博士 香港生產力促進局智能製造及內地業務顧問 過往15年從事手機和無線智能產品硬件開發和生產的工作。 郭進先生 香港生產力促進局智能製造及內地業務工程主任 從事IOT產品硬件開發和生產的工作。 For…