May 2021
MedTech Innovator APAC Online Pitch Event 6 – Next-Gen Surgical / Ophthalmology / Critical Care
In 2021, MedTech Innovator Asia Pacific will recognize the 20 best-in-class startups across the Asia Pacific regions. Startups selected for this honor receive a slot in the MedTech Innovator Asia Pacific Showcase.
May 2021
MIT HealthHACK 2021

In its third year, HealthHACK 2021 invites the community to explore ways to build an age-friendly city in this one-day virtual hackathon - featuring keynote talks in the week leading up to this event. Join us to shape the future of ageing as we explore innovative ways to promote ageing in place and enhance caregiver support.
Jun 2021
HKSTP X HKBAN AI & Robotics Online Investment Pitching Day

Keynote Speaker: Martin Liu, AI Technical Lead of Hong Kong Science Park (HKSTP) Moderator: Gordon Yen, Chairman of Hong Kong Business Angel Network (HKBAN) & Founding Managing Partner of Radiant Tech Ventures Mingles Tsoi, Director of Hong Kong Business Angel…
Jun 2021
Pitching Final for Start-up Express 2021

Watch Start-up Express Pitching Final live to get inspired by Hong Kong start-up’s innovative tech-solutions and see how they disrupt the business and social ecosystems. The finalists will be challenged by distinguished judges – so register today to witness the…
Jul 2021
Brinc Greater Bay Area Investor Demo Day (MedTech & Logistics) – July 21st 2021

Welcome to Brinc’s Virtual Investor Demo Day. You will watch pitches and meet our latest cohort of startups that have gone through our Greater Bay Area accelerator programs. This Demo Day is the culmination of our 3-month accelerator program, where our portfolio teams will pitch their businesses to a wide array of investors, partners and key stakeholders as well as speak about the growth they have achieved during the course of the program.
Sep 2021
Sep 2021
Alibaba Cloud x KrASIA Global Startup Accelerator

The Alibaba Cloud x KrASIA Global Startup Accelerator is live! The program brings together new technologists, venture capitalists, and other players across Asia to identify startups that are compatible with Alibaba’s ecosystem. A series of Demo Days are part of the selection process for the accelerator.
Oct 2021
Alibaba Cloud x KrASIA Global Startup Accelerator Hong Kong Demo Day

The Alibaba Cloud x KrASIA Global Startup Accelerator Demo Days aims to seek out and empower high-potential budding startups in Asia who have dreams of becoming the next breakout story.
Oct 2021

『創業經理人』—保良局青年創業發展服務加開第二期申請, 為你提供創業資金以及一站式創業支援, 一同發掘香港、海外或其他大灣區城巿的創業新商機。
Oct 2021

『創業經理人』—保良局青年創業發展服務加開第二期申請, 為你提供創業資金以及一站式創業支援, 一同發掘香港、海外或其他大灣區城巿的創業新商機。
Oct 2021

『創業經理人』—保良局青年創業發展服務加開第二期申請, 為你提供創業資金以及一站式創業支援, 一同發掘香港、海外或其他大灣區城巿的創業新商機。