Physical Event
Jul 2023
Summer TechEd Fest (Opening Ceremony + Educators’ Day)

The event aims to enhance public’s interests in I&T, enlarge the I&T talent pool, and pave for strong impetus for I&T development.
Jul 2023
HKSTP Ideation & Incubation Programmes Open Day

The HKSTP Ideation & Incubation Programmes Open Day is the very first "door" that opens up countless opportunities within Hong Kong's largest innovation ecosystem.
Jul 2023

ChatGPT是AI聊天機器人,除了可以幫公司回覆電郵、寫計劃書、做圖做廣告外,還可做什麼?。原來ChatGPT可帶來更優質的顧客體驗和強化管理本次活動邀請到多位行業專家,從不同營商角度分享如何運用ChatGPT 提升業務,捉緊科技新趨勢。
Aug 2023
Productivity Hacks for Entrepreneurs with Notion | The DO Innovation Series

Product teams typically do the most cross-functional work in a company and therefore have to juggle many projects and requirements. They apply product management systems to track all products and engineering projects and communicate updates to the rest of the company.
We are excited to host this fireside chat with three industry leaders, debunking the way product management works, the drama with marketing teams, and the regular tension with engineers. Come join us, mingle and make new friends.
Aug 2023
【InnoPreneur MeetUp】From Data to Dollars: Maximising Profitability Through SMART Solutions

Join us to discover how local enterprises from retail, catering and hospitality industries, can leverage digital intelligence to turn data into revenue and achieve short-term success in today's fast-paced and competitive business landscape.
Aug 2023
Intellectual Property Department: IP Training Programme “IP107 Special Session: Crypto, NFTs, metaverse and IP”

“IP107 Special Session: Crypto, NFTs, metaverse and IP” aims to introduce the involvement of IP in the new technologies such as Crypto, NFTs and metaverse, allowing participants to be able to realise potential legal issues and protect their IP rights in the virtual world. The medium of instruction will be Cantonese. Participants will receive a certificate upon completion of the training course.
Aug 2023
Start up your IMPACT : The Prerequisites for Social Enterprise Success

Dream Impact and Happy-Retired Charity Action ("HRCA") jointly present you with a series of workshops by experienced advisors from diverse industries and consulting businesses to share with you the knowledge and skills needed to overcome challenges, achieve your business goals, and maximize your social impact.
Aug 2023
Huawei Cloud TechWare Web3 Special Day

Huawei Cloud is a leading global cloud service provider that is committed to promoting Web3 technology innovation and industry development in Hong Kong and around the world.
Aug 2023
Start up your IMPACT : The Prerequisites for Social Enterprise Success

Dream Impact and Happy-Retired Charity Action ("HRCA") jointly present you with a series of workshops by experienced advisors from diverse industries and consulting businesses to share with you the knowledge and skills needed to overcome challenges, achieve your business goals, and maximize your social impact.
Aug 2023
The DO Neighbourhood Challenge

Are you interested in making Hong Kong spaces more interactive and reshaping urban living? Do you have a bold idea that can transform wellbeing among tenants through vibrant communities? If you said yes, make sure to join The DO Neighbourhood Innovation Challenge @ WLAB!