IMPACT KOMMONS, Asia’s first UNSDGs-focused accelerator, offers a platform for impact startups and technology companies to collaborate with New World Group businesses, sustainability experts and global partners to scale solutions that fulfill United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. A premium brand infused…
Category: News and Happenings (page 6)
CCG Accel Powered by HKSTP Cohort 2 is now open for applications!
Chinachem Group (CCG) is partnering with HKSTP to launch a range of initiatives to encourage the adoption of smart city solutions developed by quality tech ventures to foster Hong Kong’s bustling cutting-edge innovation. “CCG Accel – Powered by HKSTP” is one…
HKU DeepTech100 is now open for applications!
HKU DeepTech100 is a one year co-ideation programme with HKU iDendron and HKSTP. This programme is first of its kind in Hong Kong aiming for translating deep tech research outcome from top university into future businesses. HKU and HKSTP will…
BRINC x DAYDAYCOOK GOOD FOOD ACCELERATOR is now open for applications!
In partnership with leading content-to-commerce culinary platform DayDayCook, Brinc is proud to announce a commitment of USD $10M to invest and support 45 food technology companies through the Good Food Accelerator Program. The core directive of the program is to help…
Eureka Nova GBA Accelerator Cohort 2 is now open for applications!
The GBA ACCELERATOR is a supply chain, logistics and robotics startup accelerator designed to help companies scale across the Greater Bay Area. Startups that participate are all equipped to pilot their solutions in specific case studies developed in the New…
The 1st “HK Tech 300 Start-up Competition” is now open for applications!
To further drive innovation and technology development in Hong Kong and Mainland China, City University of Hong Kong (CityU) launched the 1st “HK Tech 300 Start-up Competition”, which will be held in various cities in the Mainland. Projects are called…
2022 前海粵港澳台青年創新創業大賽現正接受報名!
2022前海粵港澳台青年創新創業大賽由前海管理局聯合深圳市港澳辦、深圳市委台辦、香港中聯辦、澳門中聯辦、澳門特區政府經濟局、深港產學研基地、深圳廣電集團等多家單位共同舉辦。大賽由啟動儀式、項目報名、初賽、半決賽、粵港澳台青年創客特訓營、總決賽、頒獎典禮等環節組成。 2022適逢是香港回歸祖國25周年,本屆大賽旨在發掘具創意及創新能力的青年人才、培養青年人創新態度、發揮領袖潛能及創業家精神,在大灣區實現創業夢想。 截止報名日期 : 2022年8月12日 欲知更多信息及報名,請點擊這裏。
Techstyle For Social Good is now open for applications!
Since 2019, The Mills Fabrica hosts the ‘Techstyle For Social Good’ International Student Competition annually to drive social impact and sustainable development through awarding techstyle and agrifood prizes to game changing technology ideas from young innovators. Open to students or…
Open Data Hackathon 2022 – Smart Property is now open for applications!
With the rise of “Open Data” and streamline business processes, the importance of utilizing artificial intelligence with cloud solutions has equally increased as they can provide a range of algorithms to produce timely analysis for decision making and connected processes…
Road to GBA Start-up Programme 2.0 is now open for applications!
The programme is for start-ups from FinTech and GreenFinance. Shortlisted start-ups will participate in a six-month GBA development and training programme, which includes one-on-one business consultations, investment roadshows, business matching and networking opportunities with GBA partners. Participants will also hear…